- Battery Thermistor Sense for JEITA Guideline
Compatible Charger - 600-kHz NMOS-NMOS Synchronous Buck
Converter - Stand-Alone Charger Support for Li-Ion or Li-
Polymer - 5-V–28-V VCC Input Operating Range and
Supports 1 to 6 Battery Cells - Up to 10-A Charge Current and Adapter Current
- High-Accuracy Voltage and Current Regulation
- ±0.5% Charge Voltage Accuracy
- ±3% Charge Current Accuracy
- ±3% Adapter Current Accuracy
- Integration
- Automatic System Power Selection From
Adapter or Battery - Internal Loop Compensation
- Internal Soft-Start
- Dynamic Power Management
- Automatic System Power Selection From
- Safety Protection
- Input Overvoltage Protection
- Battery Detection
- Reverse Protection Input FET
- Programmable Safety Timer
- Charge Overcurrent Protection
- Battery Short Protection
- Battery Overvoltage Protection
- Thermal Shutdown
- Status Outputs
- Adapter Present
- Charger Operation Status
- Charge Enable Pin
- 6-V Gate Drive for Synchronous Buck Converter
- 30-ns Driver Dead-Time and 99.5% Maximum
Effective Duty Cycle - 24-Pin, 4-mm × 4-mm QFN Package
- Energy Star Low Quiescent Current Iq
- < 15-µA Off-State Battery Discharge Current
- < 1.5-mA Off-State Input Quiescent Current
The bq2461x device is a highly integrated, Japan Electronic Information Technology Association (JEITA) guideline-compatible, Li-ion or Li-polymer switched-mode battery charge controller. The device offers a constant-frequency synchronous switching PWM controller with high-accuracy charge current and voltage regulation, charge preconditioning, termination, adapter current regulation, and charge status monitoring
The bq2461x charges the battery in three phases: preconditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. Charge is terminated when the current reaches a minimum user-selectable level. A programmable charge timer provides a safety backup. The bq2461x automatically restarts the charge cycle if the battery voltage falls below an internal threshold, and enters a low quiescent current sleep mode when the input voltage falls below the battery voltage.
类型 | 标题 | 下载最新的英语版本 | 日期 | |||
* | 数据表 | bq24616 JEITA Guideline Compatible Stand-Alone Synchronous Switched-Mode Li-Ion or Li-Polymer Battery Charger With System Power Selector and Low Iq 数据表 (Rev. C) | PDF | HTML | 2015年 6月 30日 | ||
应用手册 | BQ241xx/BQ246xx Selection of Multi-Cell Standalone Switching Battery Chargers | 2019年 12月 31日 | ||||
选择指南 | 电源管理指南 2018 (Rev. K) | 2018年 7月 31日 | ||||
用户指南 | bq2461x/bq2463x (HPA422A) Multi-Cell Synchronous Switch-Mode Charger (Rev. A) | 2010年 7月 27日 |
BQ24616EVM — BQ24616 独立同步开关模式锂离子或锂聚合物电池充电器的评估模块
bq2461x 是高度集成的锂离子或锂聚合物开关模式电池充电控制器。bq2463x 是高度集成的开关模式电池充电控制器,专为磷酸锂电池化学物充电而设计。它们可以为恒频同步 PWM 控制器提供高准确度充电电流和电压调节、适配器电流调节、充电预处理和充电状态监控。bq2461x/bq2463x 在以下三个阶段为电池充电:预处理、恒定电流和恒定电压。当电流达到最低的用户可选级别时,充电将终止。可编程充电定时器可以为充电终止提供安全备份。当电池电压低于内部阈值时,q2461x/bq2463x 会自动重新启动充电周期;当输入电压低于电池电压时,则会进入低静态电流休眠模式。
封装 | 引脚 | CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型 |
VQFN (RGE) | 24 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 器件标识
- 引脚镀层/焊球材料
- MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
- MTBF/时基故障估算
- 材料成分
- 鉴定摘要
- 持续可靠性监测
- 制造厂地点
- 封装厂地点
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