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TI Magnetic sensing simulation tool

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Latest version
Version: 1.0
Release date: Oct 31, 2023
Hall-effect latches & switches
DRV5011 Small size (available in WCSP and X2SON), low voltage (up to 5.5-V) Hall effect latch DRV5012 Low power (as low as 3.3-µA), low voltage (up to 5.5-V) Hall effect latch DRV5013 High voltage (up to 38V), high bandwidth (30kHz) Hall-effect latch DRV5013-Q1 Automotive, high voltage (up to 38V), high bandwidth (30-kHz) Hall effect latch DRV5015 High sensitivity (±2-mT), low voltage (up to 5.5-V) Hall effect latch DRV5015-Q1 Automotive, high sensitivity (±2-mT), low voltage (up to 5.5-V) Hall effect latch DRV5021 Low voltage (up to 5.5V), high bandwidth (up to 30 kHz) unipolar switch DRV5021-Q1 Automotive 2.5-V to 5.5-V Hall effect unipolar switch DRV5023 High voltage (up to 38V), high bandwidth (up to 30 kHz) unipolar switch DRV5023-Q1 Automotive 2.7V to 38V Hall Effect Unipolar Switch DRV5032 Low-power (5Hz, <1µA) low-voltage (up to 5.5V) switch DRV5033 High voltage (up to 38V), high bandwidth (up to 30 kHz) omnipolar switch DRV5033-Q1 Automotive 2.7V to 38V Hall Effect Omnipolar Switch TMAG5110 High-sensitivity, 2D, dual-channel, Hall-effect latch TMAG5110-Q1 Automotive, high-sensitivity, 2D, dual-channel, Hall-effect latch TMAG5111 High-sensitivity, 2D, dual-channel, speed and direction outputs, Hall-effect latch TMAG5111-Q1 Automotive, high-sensitivity, 2D, dual-channel, speed and direction outputs, Hall-effect latch TMAG5115 High-speed Hall-effect latch with low jitter (fast response) TMAG5123 High-voltage (up to 38 V), in-plane, high-precision switch TMAG5123-Q1 Automotive, in-plane, high-precision, high-voltage switch TMAG5124 Two-wire (current output), high-voltage (up to 38 V), high-precision switch for remote sensing TMAG5124-Q1 Automotive 2-wire high-voltage (up to 38 V), high-precision switch TMAG5131-Q1 Automotive low-power (10 Hz, 1 µA) low-voltage (down to 1.65 V) Hall-effect switch TMAG5213 High-bandwidth (30-kHz), high-voltage (26 V) Hall-effect latch for low-cost applications TMAG5231 Low-power, low-voltage (1.65 V to 5.5 V) Hall-effect switch TMAG5233 In-plane (X-axis) Hall-effect switch TMAG5328 Resistor-adjustable, low-power Hall-effect switch
Linear Hall-effect sensors
DRV5053 High voltage (up to 38V), linear hall effect sensor DRV5053-Q1 Automotive, high voltage (up to 38V), linear hall effect sensor DRV5055 Ratiometric linear hall effect sensor with analog output DRV5055-Q1 Automotive, ratiometric linear Hall-effect sensor with analog output DRV5056 Ratiometric unipolar linear hall effect sensor with analog output DRV5056-Q1 Automotive, ratiometric unipolar linear hall effect sensor with analog output DRV5057 Linear hall effect sensor with digital PWM output DRV5057-Q1 Automotive linear hall effect sensor with digital PWM output TMAG5253 Low-power linear Hall-effect sensor with enable pin in ultrasmall X2SON package
Multi-axis linear & angle position sensors
TMAG3001 Three-axis linear Hall-effect sensor with I²C and programmable switch in wafer chip-scale package TMAG5170 High-precision linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with serial peripheral interface TMAG5170-Q1 Automotive, high-precision linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with serial peripheral interface TMAG5170D-Q1 Automotive, high-precision, 3D linear Hall-effect dual-die sensor with SPI interface TMAG5173-Q1 Automotive, high-precision, linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with I²C interface TMAG5273 Low-power linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with I²C interface TMAG6180-Q1 Automotive high-precision analog AMR angle sensor with 360° angle range TMAG6181-Q1 Automotive high-precision analog AMR angle sensor with integrated turns counter
Hardware development
Evaluation board
DRV5011-5012EVM DRV5011 and DRV5012 Ultra-Low Power, Digital-Latch Hall Effect Sensor Evaluation Module DRV5032-SOLAR-EVM DRV5032 Ultra-Low Power, 1.65V to 5.5V Hall Effect Switch Sensor Evaluation Module DRV5055-5057EVM DRV5055, DRV5056 and DRV5057 linear Hall effect sensor evaluation module DRV5055-ANGLE-EVM DRV5055 angle evaluation module DRV5055EVM DRV5055 evaluation module HALL-ADAPTER-EVM Hall sensor breakout adapter evaluation module HALL-HINGE-EVM TMAG5231 evaluation module for Hall-effect hinge HALL-HMI-ROCKER-EVM Evaluation module for human machine interface (HMI) rocker switch using Hall-effect switches HALL-TRIGGER-EVM Evaluation module for contactless, Hall-effect variable-speed trigger with external field protection LDC-HALL-HMI-EVM Evaluation module for inductive touch and magnetic dial contactless user-interface design TMAG3001EVM TMAG3001 evaluation module for three-axis linear Hall-effect sensor with I²C and programmable switch TMAG5110-5111EVM TMAG511x evaluation module for high-sensitivity, 2D, dual-channel, Hall-effect latches TMAG5115EVM TMAG5115 evaluation module for high-sensitivity low-jitter high-voltage Hall-effect latches TMAG5123EVM TMAG5123 in-plane high-precision Hall effect switch evaluation module TMAG5124EVM TMAG5124 2-wire Hall-effect switch evaluation module TMAG5133EVM TMAG5133 evaluation module TMAG5170DEVM TMAG5170DEVM evaluation module for high-precision 3D linear Hall-effect dual-die sensor TMAG5170UEVM TMAG5170 evaluation module TMAG5173EVM TMAG5173-Q1 evaluation module for automotive, high-precision, linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with I²C TMAG5233EVM TMAG5233 evaluation module TMAG5253EVM TMAG5253 evaluation module for low-power linear Hall-effect sensor TMAG5273EVM TMAG5273 evaluation module for low-power, linear 3D Hall-effect sensor with I²C interface TMAG5328EVM TMAG5328 evaluation module for resistor-adjustable, low-power Hall-effect switch TMAG6180-6181EVM TMAG6180 and TMAG6181 evaluation module with differential sine and cosine analog outputs

Release Information

  • Original Release