ホーム インターフェイス RS-232 トランシーバ



±15kV IEC-ESD 保護機能搭載、2.5V デュアル・チャネル 460kbps RS-232 ライン・ドライバ / レシーバ


Drivers per package 2 Receivers per package 2 Logic voltage (min) (V) 2.5 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 0.46 Main supply voltage (nom) (V) 2.5 Features Auto-Powerdown Plus ESD HBM (kV) 15 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Vout (typ) (V) 5.4
Drivers per package 2 Receivers per package 2 Logic voltage (min) (V) 2.5 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 0.46 Main supply voltage (nom) (V) 2.5 Features Auto-Powerdown Plus ESD HBM (kV) 15 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Vout (typ) (V) 5.4
SSOP (DB) 20 56.16 mm² 7.2 x 7.8 TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4
  • ESD Protection for RS-232 I/O Pins
    • ±15 kV (Human-Body Model)
    • ±8 kV (IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge)
    • ±15 kV (IEC 61000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge)
  • 300-µA Operating Supply Current
  • 1-µA Low-Power Standby Mode (With Receivers Active)
  • Designed to Transmit at a Data Rate of
    460 kbps
  • Auto-Powerdown Plus Option Features Flexible Power-Saving Mode
  • Operates From a Single 2.25-V to 3-V VCC Supply
  • Designed to be Interchangeable With Industry Standard '3318 Devices
  • ESD Protection for RS-232 I/O Pins
    • ±15 kV (Human-Body Model)
    • ±8 kV (IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge)
    • ±15 kV (IEC 61000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge)
  • 300-µA Operating Supply Current
  • 1-µA Low-Power Standby Mode (With Receivers Active)
  • Designed to Transmit at a Data Rate of
    460 kbps
  • Auto-Powerdown Plus Option Features Flexible Power-Saving Mode
  • Operates From a Single 2.25-V to 3-V VCC Supply
  • Designed to be Interchangeable With Industry Standard '3318 Devices

The TRS3318E is a dual-driver, dual-receiver, RS-232-compatible transceiver. The device features auto-powerdown plus and enhanced electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection integrated into the chip. Driver output and receiver input are protected to ±15 kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap Discharge method, ±8 kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Contact Discharge method, and ±15 kV using the Human-Body Model (HBM).

The device operates at a data rate of 460 kbps. The transceiver has a proprietary low-dropout driver output stage, enabling RS-232-compatible operation from a 2.25-V to 3-V supply with a dual charge pump. The charge pump requires only four 0.1-µF capacitors and features a logic-level output (READY) that asserts when the charge pump is regulating and the device is ready to begin transmitting.

The TRS3318E achieves a 1-µA supply current using the auto-powerdown feature. This device automatically enters a low-power power-down mode when the RS-232 cable is disconnected or the drivers of the connected peripherals are inactive for more than 30 s. The device turns on again when it senses a valid transition at any driver or receiver input. Auto-powerdown saves power without changes to the existing BIOS or operating system.

This device is available in two space-saving packages: 20-pin SSOP and 20-pin TSSOP.

The TRS3318E is a dual-driver, dual-receiver, RS-232-compatible transceiver. The device features auto-powerdown plus and enhanced electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection integrated into the chip. Driver output and receiver input are protected to ±15 kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap Discharge method, ±8 kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Contact Discharge method, and ±15 kV using the Human-Body Model (HBM).

The device operates at a data rate of 460 kbps. The transceiver has a proprietary low-dropout driver output stage, enabling RS-232-compatible operation from a 2.25-V to 3-V supply with a dual charge pump. The charge pump requires only four 0.1-µF capacitors and features a logic-level output (READY) that asserts when the charge pump is regulating and the device is ready to begin transmitting.

The TRS3318E achieves a 1-µA supply current using the auto-powerdown feature. This device automatically enters a low-power power-down mode when the RS-232 cable is disconnected or the drivers of the connected peripherals are inactive for more than 30 s. The device turns on again when it senses a valid transition at any driver or receiver input. Auto-powerdown saves power without changes to the existing BIOS or operating system.

This device is available in two space-saving packages: 20-pin SSOP and 20-pin TSSOP.

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート TRS3318E 2.5-V 460-kbps RS-232 Transceiver With +/-15-kV ESD Protection データシート (Rev. B) 2013年 10月 11日
技術記事 How the RS-232 transceiver’s regulated charge-pump circuitry works PDF | HTML 2018年 6月 28日
アプリケーション・ノート Understanding Power Requirements in RS-232 Applications (Rev. B) 2013年 4月 26日
アプリケーション・ノート Removing Ground Noise in Data Transmission Systems 2007年 10月 5日
アプリケーション・ノート Interface Circuits for TIA/EIA-232-F (Rev. A) 2002年 9月 19日




PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI Design / シミュレーション ツール向け PSpice®

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TINA-TI — SPICE ベースのアナログ・シミュレーション・プログラム

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TINA-TI をインストールするには、約 500MB が必要です。インストールは簡単です。必要に応じてアンインストールも可能です。(そのようなことはないと思いますが)

TINA は DesignSoft (...)

ユーザー ガイド: PDF
英語版 (Rev.A): PDF

TIDA-060008 — RS-232 信号を RS-485 信号に変換するリファレンス・デザイン

This reference design provides a circuit of converting RS-232 signaling to RS-485 signaling. This allows for long-distance communication, since the range supported by RS-232 is normally less than 50 feet while the range for RS-485's can exceed 1000 feet. The design implements bidirectional (...)
設計ガイド: PDF
回路図: PDF

TIDA-00540 — RS-485 / RS-232 マルチプロトコル・トランシーバ、リファレンス・デザイン

This design (TIDA-00540) allows for communication over RS-485 or RS-232 data buses without requiring separate wiring for each.  Data lines are shared between two different transceiver types, and a single control signal is used to determine which protocol is to be used.
設計ガイド: PDF
回路図: PDF
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
SSOP (DB) 20 Ultra Librarian
TSSOP (PW) 20 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

推奨製品には、この TI 製品に関連するパラメータ、評価基板、またはリファレンス デザインが存在する可能性があります。


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