
Setpoint type Factory Programmed Setpoint value (°C) -45, -25, 0, 45, 50, 65, 70, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Accuracy over temp range (max) (°C) 3 Sensor gain (mV/°C) -10.82 Output type Open drain, Push Pull Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (typ) (µA) 40 Number of comparator channels 1 Features Built-in hysteresis, UL recognized Rating Catalog Interface type Analog output, Switch
Setpoint type Factory Programmed Setpoint value (°C) -45, -25, 0, 45, 50, 65, 70, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Accuracy over temp range (max) (°C) 3 Sensor gain (mV/°C) -10.82 Output type Open drain, Push Pull Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (typ) (µA) 40 Number of comparator channels 1 Features Built-in hysteresis, UL recognized Rating Catalog Interface type Analog output, Switch
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Internal Comparator With Pin Programmable 2°C
    or 10°C Hysteresis
  • No External Components Required
  • Open-Drain or Push-Pull Digital Output; Supports
    CMOS Logic Levels
  • Internal Temperature Sensor With VTEMP Output
  • VTEMP Output Allows After-Assembly System
  • Internal Voltage Reference and DAC for Trip-Point
  • Currently Available in 5-pin SOT-23 Plastic
  • Excellent Power Supply Noise Rejection
  • UL Recognized Component
  • Key Specifications
    • Power Supply Voltage 2.7 V to 5.5 V
    • Power Supply Current
      40 µA (Maximum) 16 µA (Typical)
    • Hysteresis Temperature 2°C or 10°C (Typical)
  • Internal Comparator With Pin Programmable 2°C
    or 10°C Hysteresis
  • No External Components Required
  • Open-Drain or Push-Pull Digital Output; Supports
    CMOS Logic Levels
  • Internal Temperature Sensor With VTEMP Output
  • VTEMP Output Allows After-Assembly System
  • Internal Voltage Reference and DAC for Trip-Point
  • Currently Available in 5-pin SOT-23 Plastic
  • Excellent Power Supply Noise Rejection
  • UL Recognized Component
  • Key Specifications
    • Power Supply Voltage 2.7 V to 5.5 V
    • Power Supply Current
      40 µA (Maximum) 16 µA (Typical)
    • Hysteresis Temperature 2°C or 10°C (Typical)

The LM26 is a precision, single digital-output, low-power thermostat comprised of an internal reference, DAC, temperature sensor and comparator. Utilizing factory programming, it can be manufactured with different trip points as well as different digital output functionality. The trip point (TOS) can be preset at the factory to any temperature in the range of −55°C to 110°C in 1°C increments. The LM26 has one digital output (OS/OS/US/US), one digital input (HYST) and one analog output (VTEMP). The digital output stage can be preset as either open-drain or push-pull. In addition, it can be factory programmed to be active HIGH or LOW. The digital output can be factory programmed to indicate an over temperature shutdown event (OS or OS) or an under temperature shutdown event (US or US). When preset as an overtemperature shutdown (OS) it will go LOW to indicate that the die temperature is over the internally preset TOS and go HIGH when the temperature goes below (TOS–THYST). Similarly, when preprogrammed as an undertemperature shutdown (US) it will go HIGH to indicate that the temperature is below TUS and go LOW when the temperature is above (TUS+THYST). The typical hysteresis, THYST, can be set to 2°C or 10°C and is controlled by the state of the HYST pin. A VTEMP analog output provides a voltage that is proportional to temperature and has a −10.82 mV/°C output slope.

Available parts are detailed in the Device Comparison Table. For other part options, contact a Texas Instruments Distributor or Sales Representative for information on minimum order qualification. The LM26 is currently available in a 5-lead SOT-23 package.

The LM26 is a precision, single digital-output, low-power thermostat comprised of an internal reference, DAC, temperature sensor and comparator. Utilizing factory programming, it can be manufactured with different trip points as well as different digital output functionality. The trip point (TOS) can be preset at the factory to any temperature in the range of −55°C to 110°C in 1°C increments. The LM26 has one digital output (OS/OS/US/US), one digital input (HYST) and one analog output (VTEMP). The digital output stage can be preset as either open-drain or push-pull. In addition, it can be factory programmed to be active HIGH or LOW. The digital output can be factory programmed to indicate an over temperature shutdown event (OS or OS) or an under temperature shutdown event (US or US). When preset as an overtemperature shutdown (OS) it will go LOW to indicate that the die temperature is over the internally preset TOS and go HIGH when the temperature goes below (TOS–THYST). Similarly, when preprogrammed as an undertemperature shutdown (US) it will go HIGH to indicate that the temperature is below TUS and go LOW when the temperature is above (TUS+THYST). The typical hysteresis, THYST, can be set to 2°C or 10°C and is controlled by the state of the HYST pin. A VTEMP analog output provides a voltage that is proportional to temperature and has a −10.82 mV/°C output slope.

Available parts are detailed in the Device Comparison Table. For other part options, contact a Texas Instruments Distributor or Sales Representative for information on minimum order qualification. The LM26 is currently available in a 5-lead SOT-23 package.

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open-in-new 比较替代产品
TMP390 正在供货 超小型、双通道(热和冷跳变)、0.5µA、电阻可编程温度开关 This product has a wider temperature range (-55°C to 130°C), lower IQ (1uA), and dual trip point outputs.


star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档
查看全部 4
类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期
* 数据表 LM26 SOT-23, ±3°C Accurate, Factory-Preset Thermostat 数据表 (Rev. S) PDF | HTML 2015年 9月 29日
EVM 用户指南 Using the LM26EVM 2015年 11月 30日
EVM 用户指南 LM26EVAL-TPA LM26 Eval Board Manual 2012年 1月 26日
用户指南 LM26EVAL-XPA LM26 Eval Kit Manual 2012年 1月 26日




PMP20967 — 用于瞬态测试的可调节双电平恒流负载参考设计

该可调节双电平恒定电流负载参考设计可帮助工程师测试具有特殊功能和易于操作的电源输出负载瞬态响应。该电路板能够提供低电平和高电平的负载瞬态调整,压摆率高达 100A/μs。该电路板中还设计了周期、延迟和脉宽等时序调整。
测试报告: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

