
Rating Automotive Iout (typ) (A) 0.5 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 36 Features Enable, Duty-cycle control, Spread spectrum clocking, Slew-rate control, Short-circuit protection, Programmable over-current protection, Thermal shutdown Soft start Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2000 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 1.3
Rating Automotive Iout (typ) (A) 0.5 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 36 Features Enable, Duty-cycle control, Spread spectrum clocking, Slew-rate control, Short-circuit protection, Programmable over-current protection, Thermal shutdown Soft start Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2000 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 1.3
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9

SN6507-Q1 has an internal oscillator to set the switching frequency of the power stage. As the two power switches are out of phase, the oscillator frequency is twice of the actual switching frequency of each power switch. The duty cycle is fixed with 70 ns deadtime to avoid shoot-through. The duty cycle is changeable if duty cycle feature is enabled. Please refer to Section 8.3.3.

SN6507-Q1 has a wide switching frequency range from 100 kHz up to 2 MHz, which is pin-programmable through a resistor (RCLK) to GND. Below table lists the value of RCLK to achieve certain operating frequencies (fSW). The choice of switching frequency is a trade-off between power efficiency and size of capacitive and inductive components. For example, when operating at higher switching frequency, the size of the transformer and inductor is reduced, resulting in a smaller design footprint and lower cost. However, higher frequency increases switching losses and consequently degrades the overall power supply efficiency.

Figure 8-6 can also be used to estimate the programmable switching frequency, fSW, using an external resistor value, RCLK, where RCLK is in kΩ and fSW is in kHz:

If CLK pin is shorted to GND, the part switches at its default frequency, FSW. CLK pin floating is not a valid state of operation and will cause the part to stop switching until an external clock signal is present.

SN6507-Q1 has an internal oscillator to set the switching frequency of the power stage. As the two power switches are out of phase, the oscillator frequency is twice of the actual switching frequency of each power switch. The duty cycle is fixed with 70 ns deadtime to avoid shoot-through. The duty cycle is changeable if duty cycle feature is enabled. Please refer to Section 8.3.3.

SN6507-Q1 has a wide switching frequency range from 100 kHz up to 2 MHz, which is pin-programmable through a resistor (RCLK) to GND. Below table lists the value of RCLK to achieve certain operating frequencies (fSW). The choice of switching frequency is a trade-off between power efficiency and size of capacitive and inductive components. For example, when operating at higher switching frequency, the size of the transformer and inductor is reduced, resulting in a smaller design footprint and lower cost. However, higher frequency increases switching losses and consequently degrades the overall power supply efficiency.

Figure 8-6 can also be used to estimate the programmable switching frequency, fSW, using an external resistor value, RCLK, where RCLK is in kΩ and fSW is in kHz:

If CLK pin is shorted to GND, the part switches at its default frequency, FSW. CLK pin floating is not a valid state of operation and will cause the part to stop switching until an external clock signal is present.

SN6507 -Q1 是一款高压、高频推挽式变压器驱动器,以小尺寸解决方案提供隔离电源。该器件具有推挽式拓扑结构的简单性、低 EMI 和磁通消除等优点,可防止变压器饱和。采用占空比控制技术来减少宽输入范围的元件数量,同时选择高开关频率来缩小变压器尺寸,从而进一步节省空间。

该器件集成了控制器和两个异相切换的 0.5A NMOS 电源开关。其输入工作范围通过精密欠压锁定进行编程。该器件通过过流保护 (OCP)、可调节欠压锁定 (UVLO)、过压锁定 (OVLO)、热关断 (TSD) 和先断后通型电路来防止出现故障条件。

可编程软启动 (SS) 可尽可能减少浪涌电流,并为满足关键的上电要求提供电源时序。展频时钟 (SSC) 和引脚可配置的压摆率控制 (SRC) 进一步降低了辐射和传导发射,以满足超低 EMI 要求。

SN6507 -Q1 可采用 10 引脚 HVSSOP DGQ 封装。该器件的运行温度范围为 –55°C 至 125°C。

SN6507 -Q1 是一款高压、高频推挽式变压器驱动器,以小尺寸解决方案提供隔离电源。该器件具有推挽式拓扑结构的简单性、低 EMI 和磁通消除等优点,可防止变压器饱和。采用占空比控制技术来减少宽输入范围的元件数量,同时选择高开关频率来缩小变压器尺寸,从而进一步节省空间。

该器件集成了控制器和两个异相切换的 0.5A NMOS 电源开关。其输入工作范围通过精密欠压锁定进行编程。该器件通过过流保护 (OCP)、可调节欠压锁定 (UVLO)、过压锁定 (OVLO)、热关断 (TSD) 和先断后通型电路来防止出现故障条件。

可编程软启动 (SS) 可尽可能减少浪涌电流,并为满足关键的上电要求提供电源时序。展频时钟 (SSC) 和引脚可配置的压摆率控制 (SRC) 进一步降低了辐射和传导发射,以满足超低 EMI 要求。

SN6507 -Q1 可采用 10 引脚 HVSSOP DGQ 封装。该器件的运行温度范围为 –55°C 至 125°C。

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SN6507DGQEVM — 适用于 SN6507 低发射、500mA 推挽式隔离电源的评估模块

SN6507DGQEVM 可供用户评估隔离式电源应用中 SN6507 推挽式隔离变压器驱动器的性能和特性。

用户指南: PDF | HTML
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PMP41078 — 采用 GaN HEMT 的高压转低压直流/直流转换器参考设计

此参考设计介绍了一款采用 650V 氮化镓 (GaN) 高电子迁移率晶体管 (HEMT)的 3.5kW 高压转低压直流/直流转换器。采用 LMG3522R030 作为初级开关可使该转换器在高开关频率下工作。在此设计中,转换器使用了尺寸更小的变压器。为了轻松满足有源钳位金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (MOSFET) 的热性能要求,转换器使用了双通道有源钳位电路。
测试报告: PDF

PMP31182 — 使用四种不同拓扑的隔离式辅助电源参考设计

此参考设计展示了四种隔离式辅助电源设计,分别采用 PSR 反激式、推挽式、LLC 谐振和隔离式直流/直流模块几种不同拓扑。这些拓扑都具有特定的优势,但同时也存在各种权衡。在尽可能保持相似电气参数的情况下,我们使用四种硬件设计充分比较了这些拓扑。这些设计的输入和输出电压均为 15V,最大负载电流为 100mA。 
测试报告: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 Ultra Librarian


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  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
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