主页 电源管理 栅极驱动器 隔离式栅极驱动器



适用于 GaNFET 和 MOSFET 且具有 5V UVLO 的 5kVrms、4A/6A 单通道隔离式栅极驱动器


Number of channels 1 Isolation rating Reinforced Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5700 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1414 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 8000 Power switch GaNFET, MOSFET Peak output current (A) 6 Features High CMTI Output VCC/VDD (max) (V) 18 Output VCC/VDD (min) (V) 6 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.028 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 1500 Rise time (ns) 5 Fall time (ns) 6 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 5
Number of channels 1 Isolation rating Reinforced Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5700 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1414 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 8000 Power switch GaNFET, MOSFET Peak output current (A) 6 Features High CMTI Output VCC/VDD (max) (V) 18 Output VCC/VDD (min) (V) 6 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.028 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 1500 Rise time (ns) 5 Fall time (ns) 6 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 5
SOIC (DWV) 8 67.275 mm² 5.85 x 11.5
  • Reinforced isolation
  • Single channel in DWV Package with 8.5-mm creepage distance
  • CMTI greater than 100-V/ns
  • 4-A peak source, 6-A peak sink output
  • Switching parameters:
    • 40-ns maximum propagation delay
    • 5-ns maximum delay matching
    • 5.5-ns maximum pulse-width distortion
    • 35-µs maximum VDD power-up delay
  • Up to 18-V VDD output drive supply
    • 5-V VDD UVLO
  • Operating temp. range (TA) –40°C to 125°C
  • Rejects input pulses shorter than 5-ns
  • TTL and CMOS compatible inputs
  • Reinforced isolation
  • Single channel in DWV Package with 8.5-mm creepage distance
  • CMTI greater than 100-V/ns
  • 4-A peak source, 6-A peak sink output
  • Switching parameters:
    • 40-ns maximum propagation delay
    • 5-ns maximum delay matching
    • 5.5-ns maximum pulse-width distortion
    • 35-µs maximum VDD power-up delay
  • Up to 18-V VDD output drive supply
    • 5-V VDD UVLO
  • Operating temp. range (TA) –40°C to 125°C
  • Rejects input pulses shorter than 5-ns
  • TTL and CMOS compatible inputs

The UCC5304 device is an isolated single-channel gate driver with 4-A peak-source and 6-A peak-sink current. It is designed to drive power MOSFETs and GaNFETs in PFC, Isolated AC/DC, DC/DC, and synchronous rectification applications, with fast switching performance and robust ground bounce protection through greater than 100-V/ns common-mode transient immunity (CMTI).

The UCC5304 is available in a 8.5 mm SOIC-8 (DWV) package and can support isolation voltage up to 5-kVRMS. Compared to an optocoupler, the UCC5304 family has lower part-to-part skew, lower propagation delay, higher operating temperature, and higher CMTI.

Protection features include: IN pin rejects input transient shorter than 5-ns; both input and output can withstand –2-V spikes for 200-ns, both supplies have undervoltage lockout (UVLO), and active pull down protection clamps the output below 2.1-V when unpowered or floated.

With these features, this device enables high efficiency, high power density, and robustness in a wide variety of power applications.

The UCC5304 device is an isolated single-channel gate driver with 4-A peak-source and 6-A peak-sink current. It is designed to drive power MOSFETs and GaNFETs in PFC, Isolated AC/DC, DC/DC, and synchronous rectification applications, with fast switching performance and robust ground bounce protection through greater than 100-V/ns common-mode transient immunity (CMTI).

The UCC5304 is available in a 8.5 mm SOIC-8 (DWV) package and can support isolation voltage up to 5-kVRMS. Compared to an optocoupler, the UCC5304 family has lower part-to-part skew, lower propagation delay, higher operating temperature, and higher CMTI.

Protection features include: IN pin rejects input transient shorter than 5-ns; both input and output can withstand –2-V spikes for 200-ns, both supplies have undervoltage lockout (UVLO), and active pull down protection clamps the output below 2.1-V when unpowered or floated.

With these features, this device enables high efficiency, high power density, and robustness in a wide variety of power applications.

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* 数据表 UCC5304 4-A Source, 6-A Sink Single-Channel Reinforced Isolation Gate Driver With High Noise Immunity 数据表 (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2020年 4月 20日
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应用手册 使用UCC28780控制器和UCC5304隔离式同步整流驱动器实现零电压开关反激拓扑 英语版 2021年 7月 2日
EVM 用户指南 Using the UCC5304EVM-035 2020年 1月 30日
用户指南 Gate Drive Voltage vs. Efficiency 2019年 4月 25日




UCC28781EVM-053 — 适用于 UCC28781-Q1 汽车类 500Vdc 输入 ZVS 反激式电源应用的评估模块

UCC28781EMV-053 展示了采用零电压开关反激式 (ZVSF) 控制器的高效率、高密度、高电压汽车偏置电源,具有 60W、15V 输出。UCC28781-Q1 直接驱动初级侧硅 MOSFET,并通过 UCC5304 隔离式栅极驱动器驱动次级侧同步整流器,用于提高效率并实现 ZVS。

用户指南: PDF | HTML
英语版 (Rev.A): PDF | HTML
TI.com 上无现货

UCC5304EVM-035 — UCC5304 单通道隔离式栅极驱动器评估模块

UCC5304EVM 适用于评估 UCC5304,后者是一种具备 4A 峰值拉电流和 6A 峰值灌电流能力的隔离式单通道栅极驱动器。此 EVM 可用作功率 MOSFET 的驱动参考设计,具备高达 18V 的驱动电压、UCC5304 引脚功能识别、组件选择指南以及 PCB 布局示例。
用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

SIMPLIS Model for UCC5304

SLUM722.ZIP (25 KB) - SIMPLIS Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — 适用于 TI 设计和模拟工具的 PSpice®

PSpice® for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence® 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。

借助 PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短产品上市时间并降低开发成本。

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PMP22495 — 176V 至 264V 交流输入、24V、150W 有源钳位正激式参考设计

此参考设计使用 UCC2897A 有源钳位正向控制器将 176V 至 264V 交流输入转换为 24V 直流输出,最大功率为 150W。UCC5304 隔离式栅极驱动器用于驱动高压钳位 FET。该设计通过二极管整流实现了 > 92% 的效率。次级侧电流检测通过恒流调节环路提供精确的过流保护。该设计通过了 CISPR 32 传导辐射测试。
测试报告: PDF

PMP22322 — 65W USB Type-C® ZVS 反激式参考设计

此参考设计是一款低成本、高密度 USB 适配器,在 ZVS 反激式拓扑中使用了 UCC28782 有源钳位反激式控制器和 UCC5304 隔离式驱动器。输出电压为 20V 时,最大额定功率是 65W,但可调节为 20V/15V/9V/5V 输出电压和 3A 电流。此设计的峰值效率可达 93.4%。平均效率和待机功耗等级符合 DoE VI 级和 CoC 2 级限值。该设计外型紧凑,尺寸仅 44mm × 54mm × 20mm(48cc 开放式框架)。
用户指南: PDF
原理图: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
SOIC (DWV) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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