- 128 kB Program Flash Derivative of UCD3138xA Family
- 4-32 kB Program Flash Memory Banks
- Supports Execution From 1 Bank, While Programming Another
- Capability to Update Firmware Without Shutting Down the Power Supply
- Additional Communication Ports Compared to the UCD3138xA (+1 SPI, +1 I2C)
- Boot Flash Based Dual Memory Image Support for ‘On the Fly’ Firmware Updates
- Synchronous Rectifier Dead Time Optimization Peripheral to Use with UCD7138 Synchronous Rectifier Driver
- Digital Control of up to 3 Independent Feedback Loops
- Dedicated PID Based Hardware
- 2-pole/2-zero Configurable, Non-Linear Control
- Up to 16 MSPS Error A/D Converter (EADC)
- Configurable Resolution (min: 1 mV/LSB)
- Up to 8x Oversampling and Adaptive Sample Positioning
- Hardware Based Averaging (up to 8x)
- 14 bit Effective Reference DAC
- Up to 8 High Resolution Digital Pulse Width Modulated (DPWM) Outputs
- 250 ps Pulse Width Resolution
- 4 ns Frequency and Phase Resolution
- Adjustable Phase Shift and Dead-bands
- Cycle-by-Cycle Duty Cycle Matching
- Up to 2 MHz Switching Frequency
- Configurable Trailing/Leading/Triangular Modulation
- RTC Support
- External Crystal Interface
- Configurable Feedback Control
- Voltage, Average Current and Peak Current Mode Control
- Constant Current, Constant Power
- Configurable FM, Phase Shift Modulation and PWM
- Fast, Automatic and Smooth Mode Switching
- Frequency Modulation and PWM
- Phase Shift Modulation and PWM
- High Efficiency and Light Load Management
- Burst Mode and Ideal Diode Emulation
- Synchronous Rectifier Soft On/Off
- Low IC Standby Power
- Primary Side Voltage Sensing
- Current Share (Average and Master/Slave)
- Feature Rich Fault Protection Options
- 7 Analog / 4 Digital Comparators,
- Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
- Programmable Blanking Time and Fault Counting
- External Fault Inputs
- Synchronization of DPWM Waveforms Between Multiple UCD3138x Devices
- 15 channel, 12 bit, 539 ksps General Purpose ADC
- Internal Temperature Sensor
- Fully ProgrammableHigh-Performance 31.25 MHz, 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S Processor
- 128 kB Program Flash (4-32 kB Banks)
- 2 kB Data Flash with ECC
- 8 kB Data RAM
- 8 kB Boot ROM Enables Firmware Boot-Load\
- Communication Peripherals,
- 2 - I2C/PMBus interfaces
- 2 - UARTs, 1 - SPI
- UART Auto Baud Rate Adjustment
- Timer Capture with Selectable Input Pins
- 80-pin QFP Package
- Operating Temperature: –40°C to 125°C
- Debug Interface
- Code Composer Studio with JTAG Interface
- Fusion Digital Power Designer GUI Support
The UCD3138xA is a digital power supply controller from Texas Instruments offering superior levels of integration and performance in a single chip solution. The UCD3138128A offers 128 kB of program flash memory in comparison to 32 kB in UCD3138A. and it also provides additional options for communication such as SPI and a second I2C/PMBus port. The availability of of program Flash memory in multiple 32 kB banks enables designers to implement dual images of firmware (that is, one main image + one back-up image) in the device and provides the option to execute from either of the banks using appropriate algorithms. It also creates the unique opportunity for the processor to load a new program and subsequently execute that program without interrupting power delivery. This feature allows the end user to add new features to the power supply in the field while eliminating any down-time required to load the new program.
The flexible nature of the UCD3138xA family makes it suitable for a wide variety of power conversion applications. In addition, multiple peripherals inside the device have been specifically optimized to enhance the performance of AC/DC and isolated DC/DC applications and reduce the solution component count in the IT and network infrastructure space. The UCD3138xA family is a fully programmable solution offering customers complete control of their application, along with ample flexibility for many solutions. At the same time, TI is committed to simplifying our customer’s development effort through offering best in class development tools, including application firmware, Code Composer StudioTM software development environment, and TI’s Fusion Power Development GUI which enables customers to configure and monitor key system parameters.
At the core of the controller are the Digital Power Peripherals (DPP). Each DPP implements a high speed digital control loop consisting of a dedicated Error Analog to Digital Converter (EADC), a PID based 2 pole - 2 zero digital compensator and DPWM outputs with 250 ps pulse width resolution. The device also contains a 12-bit, 539 ksps general purpose ADC with up to 15 channels, timers, interrupt control, PMBus, I2C, SPI and UART communications ports. The device is based on a 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S RISC microcontroller that performs real-time monitoring, configures peripherals and manages communications. The ARM microcontroller executes its program out of programmable flash memory as well as on chip RAM and ROM.
In addition to the DPP, specific power management peripherals have been added to enable high efficiency across the entire operating range, high integration for increased power density, reliability, and lowest overall system cost and high flexibility with support for the widest number of control schemes and topologies. Such peripherals include: light load burst mode, synchronous rectification, LLC and phase shifted full bridge mode switching, input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sense, ideal diode emulation, constant current constant power control, synchronous rectification soft on and off, peak current mode control, flux balancing, secondary side input voltage sensing, high resolution current sharing, hardware configurable soft start with pre bias, as well as several other features. Topology support has been optimized for voltage mode and peak current mode controlled phase shifted full bridge, single and dual phase PFC, bridgeless PFC, hard switched full bridge and half bridge, active clamp forward converter, two switch forward converter and LLC half bridge and full bridge.
The UCD3138128A is a functional variant of the UCD3138 Digital Power Controller that includes significant improvements over the UCD3138. For a description of the complete changes made in the UCD3138128A, refer to UCD3138128A Migration Guide. The major improvements are: The General Purpose ADC has been improved for better accuracy and performance at extreme cold temperatures (–40°C). The UART peripheral has been modified to include a hardware based auto-baud rate adjustment feature. A new Synchronous Rectifier Dead Time Optimization hardware peripheral has been added. Benefits include: Improved efficiency Reduced synchronous rectifier voltage stressesShorter development cycleA Duty Cycle Read Function has been added to improve use in peak current mode.
类型 | 标题 | 下载最新的英语版本 | 日期 | |||
* | 数据表 | UCD3138128A Highly-Integrated Digital Controller For Isolated Power 数据表 (Rev. A) | PDF | HTML | 2017年 1月 19日 | ||
应用手册 | UCD3138x 器件简介 | PDF | HTML | 英语版 | PDF | HTML | 2024年 1月 2日 | |
应用手册 | UCD3138 器件上的栈溢出检测 | PDF | HTML | 英语版 | PDF | HTML | 2023年 9月 14日 | |
应用手册 | 避免 UCD3138 器件锁定 | PDF | HTML | 英语版 | PDF | HTML | 2023年 7月 5日 | |
应用手册 | Fusion Digital Power Studio for UCD3138 Isolated Power Applications (Rev. C) | 2019年 6月 24日 | ||||
应用手册 | UCD3138 Family - Practical Design Guideline (Rev. B) | 2018年 11月 20日 | ||||
用户指南 | UCD3138128A Migration Guide | 2017年 9月 22日 |
UCD3138A64OEVM-662 — UCD3138 80 引脚开环数字电源控制器评估模块
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硬件端口可用于与器件(包括 PMBus 和 UART)通信。该 EVM 可接受高达 5V 直流输入,并且板载 3.3V LDO 可用于偏置器件。此外,通过使用跳线,可以使用 PMBus (...)
UCD3138PFCEVM-026 — UCD3138 可编程的数字功率控制器评估模块
The Texas Instruments UCD3138PFCEVM-026 evaluation module (EVM) is a digitally controlled single phase PFC pre-regulator based on the UCD3138 programmable digital power controller. The EVM accepts universal ac line input from 90Vac to 264Vac, 47Hz to 63Hz. The nominal output voltage is 390VDC. (...)
UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 — UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 评估模块
UCD3138A64CEVM-660 — UCD3138A64 控制卡评估模块
德州仪器 (TI) UCD3138A64CEVM-660 评估模块 (EVM) 充当适用于德州仪器 (TI) 隔离电源应用的 UCD3138A64 数字控制器的控制卡。EVM 可用作独立板来研究 UCD3138A64 器件,也可用作控制卡来基于半桥谐振 LLC 和相移全桥等拓扑实现完全调节的电源转换器。通过将相应的固件下载至 EVM 中的 UCD3138A64 器件并建立与最终用户的适当功率级板的连接,可以实现这一点。
为了帮助评估通用隔离电源拓扑,UCD3138A64CEVM-660 评估模块经过特别设计,可与 UCD3138LLCEVM-028 数字 LLC 半桥直流/直流转换器 EVM (...)
TMDSEMU110-U — XDS110 JTAG 调试探针
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德州仪器 (TI) 的 XDS110 通过 TI 20 引脚连接器(带有适用于 TI 14 引脚、Arm 10 引脚和 Arm 20 引脚的多个适配器)连接到目标板,并通过 (...)
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所有 XDS 调试探针在所有具有嵌入式跟踪缓冲器 (ETB) 的 ARM 和 DSP 处理器中均支持内核和系统跟踪。对于引脚上的跟踪,需要 XDS560v2 PRO TRACE。
XDS560v2 通过 MIPI HSPT 60 引脚连接器(带有多个用于 TI 14 引脚、TI 20 引脚和 ARM 20 引脚的适配器)连接到目标板,并通过 USB2.0 高速 (480Mbps) (...)
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XDS560v2 System Trace 在其巨大的外部存储器缓冲区中加入了系统引脚跟踪。这种外部存储器缓冲区适用于指定的 TI 器件,通过捕获相关器件级信息,获得准确的总线性能活动和吞吐量,并对内核和外设进行电源管理。此外,对于带有嵌入式缓冲跟踪器 (ETB) 的所有 ARM 和 DSP 处理器,所有 XDS (...)
UCD3138_FW_SDK — UCD3138 应用开发固件套件 Kit
- 功率因数校正 (PFC) 应用开发套件为评估基于 PFC 拓扑的电源设计的 UCD 性能提供了一种简便方法。在单相交错无桥配置中提供配置的单一软件基础。
- 谐振半桥 LLC 应用套件可在评估阶段和开发阶段提供帮助,从而加快向生产阶段的推进。具有 ZCS 保护和模式切换功能的 UCD3138 谐振 LLC 拓扑固件可在更宽泛的操作条件下实现高效率。固件中的向日葵功能 (UCC7138) (...)
UCD3138FW-FBLLC — Full Bridge / Phase Shift LLC Firmware for UCD3138 in TIDA-00381
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The resonant LLC topology (...)
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-HSFB — HSFB Firmware
UCD3138 Hard Switched Full Bridge (HSFB) topology firmware gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on high power Hard Switched Full Bridge topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sensing, on the fly (...)
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-PFC — PFC Firmware
UCD3138 Power Factor Correction (PFC) firmware gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a PFC topology by providing all-inclusive firmware that can integrate easily with your housekeeping functionality.
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
UCD3138FW-PSFB — Phase Shifted Full Bridge Firmware
UCD3138 Phase Shift Full Bridge quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on high power PSFB topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with peak current mode control support, adaptive dead time optimization and programmable slope compensation.
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
UCD3138FW_LLC — LLC Half bridge Firmware
UCD3138 Resonant LLC Programmer quickly gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on a resonant LLC topology by providing firmware with ZCS protection and mode switching capability to achieve high efficiency across wider operating conditions. The sunflower (...)
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
The Fusion Digital Power Studio is built on top of a Microsoft.NET Application Programming Interface (Fusion-API) that handles I2C/SMBus communication and abstracts devices and commands. It provides high level interfaces to common tasks such as command read/write, full device configuration (...)
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FUSION-DIGITAL-POWER-STUDIO — Fusion Digital Power Studio 3.0.77
Fusion Digital PowerTM Studio incorporates software tools for Texas Instruments' UCD3138 Integrated Digital Controller family. Fusion Digital Power helps power supply engineers to gain benefits of digital power without learning complex programming skills. Fusion Digital Power is an intuitive (...)
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FUSION-PRODUCTION-GUI — Fusion Digital Power Production Tool
The production GUI (...)
交流/直流和直流/直流控制器(外部 FET)
TIDA-00653 — 适用于电池充电应用的非隔离式双向转换器参考设计
封装 | 引脚 | CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型 |
TQFP (PFC) | 80 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 器件标识
- 引脚镀层/焊球材料
- MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
- MTBF/时基故障估算
- 材料成分
- 鉴定摘要
- 持续可靠性监测
- 制造厂地点
- 封装厂地点