- High-Performance Microcontroller (MCU) for Safety-Critical Applications
- Dual CPUs Running in Lockstep
- ECC on Flash and RAM Interfaces
- Built-In Self-Test (BIST) for CPU and On-chip RAMs
- Error Signaling Module With Error Pin
- Voltage and Clock Monitoring
- ARM Cortex-R4F 32-Bit RISC CPU
- 1.66 DMIPS/MHz With 8-Stage Pipeline
- FPU With Single and Double Precision
- 12-Region Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
- Open Architecture With Third-Party Support
- Operating Conditions
- Up to 180-MHz System Clock
- Core Supply Voltage (VCC): 1.14 to 1.32 V
- I/O Supply Voltage (VCCIO): 3.0 to 3.6 V
- Integrated Memory
- Up to 1MB of Flash With ECC
- 128KB of RAM With ECC
- 64KB of Flash for Emulated EEPROM With ECC
- Common Platform Architecture
- Consistent Memory Map Across Family
- Real-Time Interrupt Timer (RTI) OS Timer
- 128-Channel Vectored Interrupt Module (VIM)
- 2-Channel Cyclic Redundancy Checker (CRC)
- Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
- 16 Channels and 32 Peripheral Requests
- Parity for Control Packet RAM
- DMA Accesses Protected by Dedicated MPU
- Frequency-Modulated Phase-Locked Loop (FMPLL) With Built-In Slip Detector
- IEEE 1149.1 JTAG, Boundary Scan and ARM CoreSight Components
- Advanced JTAG Security Module (AJSM)
- Up to 64 General-Purpose I/O (GIO) Pins
- Up to 16 GIO Pins With Interrupt Generation Capability
- Enhanced Timing Peripherals
- 7 Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM) Modules
- 6 Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Modules
- 2 Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) Modules
- Two Next Generation High-End Timer (N2HET) Modules
- N2HET1: 32 Programmable Channels
- N2HET2: 18 Programmable Channels
- 160-Word Instruction RAM With Parity Protection Each
- Each N2HET Includes Hardware Angle Generator
- Dedicated High-End Timer Transfer Unit (HTU) for Each N2HET
- Two 12-Bit Multibuffered ADC Modules
- ADC1: 24 Channels
- ADC2: 16 Channels
- 16 Shared Channels
- 64 Result Buffers With Parity Protection Each
- Multiple Communication Interfaces
- Up to Three CAN Controllers (DCANs)
- 64 Mailboxes With Parity Protection Each
- Compliant to CAN Protocol Version 2.0A and 2.0B
- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
- 3 Multibuffered Serial Peripheral Interfaces (MibSPIs)
- 128 Words With Parity Protection Each
- 8 Transfer Groups
- One Standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Module
- Two UART (SCI) Interfaces, One With Local Interconnect Network (LIN 2.1) Interface Support
- Up to Three CAN Controllers (DCANs)
- Packages
- 144-Pin Quad Flatpack (PGE) [Green]
- 100-Pin Quad Flatpack (PZ) [Green]
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The RM44Lx20 device is part of the Hercules RM series of high-performance industrial-grade ARM® Cortex®-R-based MCUs. Comprehensive documentation, tools, and software are available to assist in the development of IEC 61508 functional safety applications. Start evaluating today with the Hercules RM LaunchPad Development Kit. The RM44Lx20 device has on-chip diagnostic features including: dual CPUs in lockstep; CPU and memory Built-In Self-Test (BIST) logic; ECC on both the flash and the SRAM; parity on peripheral memories; and loopback capability on most peripheral I/Os.
The RM44Lx20 device integrates the ARM Cortex-R4F floating-point CPU which offers an efficient 1.66 DMIPS/MHz, and has configurations which can run up to 180 MHz providing up to 298 DMIPS. The RM44Lx20 device supports the little-endian [LE] format.
The RM44Lx20 device has up to 1MB of integrated flash and 128KB of RAM configurations with single-bit error correction and double-bit error detection. The flash memory on this device is nonvolatile, electrically erasable and programmable, and is implemented with a 64-bit-wide data bus interface. The flash operates on a 3.3-V supply input (same level as the I/O supply) for all read, program, and erase operations. The SRAM supports single-cycle read and write accesses in byte, halfword, word, and doubleword modes throughout the supported frequency range.
The RM44Lx20 device features peripherals for real-time control-based applications, including two Next-Generation High-End Timer (N2HET) timing coprocessors with up to 44 total I/O terminals, seven Enhanced PWM (ePWM) modules with up to 14 outputs, six Enhanced Capture (eCAP) modules, two Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) modules, and two 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) supporting up to 24 inputs.
The N2HET is an advanced intelligent timer that provides sophisticated timing functions for real-time applications. The timer is software-controlled, using a reduced instruction set, with a specialized timer micromachine and an attached I/O port. The N2HET can be used for pulse-width-modulated outputs, capture or compare inputs, or general-purpose I/O (GIO). The N2HET is especially well suited for applications requiring multiple sensor information and drive actuators with complex and accurate time pulses. A High-End Timer Transfer Unit (HTU) can transfer N2HET data to or from main memory. A Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is built into the HTU.
The ePWM module can generate complex pulse width waveforms with minimal CPU overhead or intervention. The ePWM is easy to use and supports complementary PWMs and deadband generation. With integrated trip zone protection and synchronization with the on-chip MibADC, the ePWM is ideal for digital motor control applications.
The eCAP module is essential in systems where the accurately timed capture of external events is important. The eCAP can also be used to monitor the ePWM outputs or to generate simple PWM when not needed for capture applications.
The eQEP module is used for direct interface with a linear or rotary incremental encoder to get position, direction, and speed information from a rotating machine as used in high-performance motion and position-control systems.
The device has two 12-bit-resolution MibADCs with 24 total inputs and 64 words of parity-protected buffer RAM each. The MibADC channels can be converted individually or can be grouped by software for sequential conversion sequences. Sixteen inputs are shared between the two MibADCs. There are three separate groups. Each group can be converted once when triggered or configured for continuous conversion mode. The MibADC has a 10-bit mode for use when compatibility with older devices or faster conversion time is desired.
The device has multiple communication interfaces: three MibSPIs; two SPIs; two SCIs, one of which can be used as LIN; up to three DCANs; and one I2C module. The SPI provides a convenient method of serial interaction for high-speed communications between similar shift-register type devices. The LIN supports the Local Interconnect standard 2.0 and can be used as a UART in full-duplex mode using the standard Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) format. The DCAN supports the CAN 2.0B protocol standard and uses a serial, multimaster communication protocol that efficiently supports distributed real-time control with robust communication rates of up to 1 Mbps. The DCAN is ideal for applications operating in noisy and harsh environments (for example, automotive and industrial fields) that require reliable serial communication or multiplexed wiring.
The I2C module is a multimaster communication module providing an interface between the microcontroller and an I2C-compatible device through the I2C serial bus. The I2C module supports speeds of 100 and 400 kbps.
A Frequency-Modulated Phase-Locked Loop (FMPLL) clock module is used to multiply the external frequency reference to a higher frequency for internal use. The FMPLL provides one of the six possible clock source inputs to the Global Clock Module (GCM). The GCM manages the mapping between the available clock sources and the device clock domains.
The device also has an external clock prescaler (ECP) circuit that when enabled, outputs a continuous external clock on the ECLK terminal. The ECLK frequency is a user-programmable ratio of the peripheral interface clock (VCLK) frequency. This low-frequency output can be monitored externally as an indicator of the device operating frequency.
The Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller has 16 channels, 32 peripheral requests, and parity protection on its memory. An MPU is built into the DMA to protect memory against erroneous transfers.
The Error Signaling Module (ESM) monitors device errors and determines whether an interrupt or external error signal (nERROR) is asserted when a fault is detected. The nERROR terminal can be monitored externally as an indicator of a fault condition in the microcontroller.
With integrated functional safety features and a wide choice of communication and control peripherals, the RM44Lx20 device is an ideal solution for high-performance, real-time control applications with safety-critical

Hercules RM44L520 は、IEC 61508 に準拠する SIL 3 (セーフティー インテグリティ レベル) を達成できることが TÜV SÜD によって認証済みであり、機能安全アプリケーションの開発難易度を低減するのに役立ちます。今すぐ証明書をダウンロードできます。
TMDSEMU200-U — XDS200 USB デバッグ・プローブ
XDS200 は、TI の組込みデバイスのデバッグに使用できるデバッグ・プローブ (エミュレータ) です。XDS200 は、低コストの XDS110 と高性能の XDS560v2 に比べて、低コストと良好な性能のバランスを特長としています。単一のポッド (筐体) で、多様な規格 (IEEE1149.1、IEEE1149.7、SWD) をサポートします。すべての XDS デバッグ・プローブは、組込みトレース・バッファ (ETB) を搭載しているすべての Arm® プロセッサと DSP プロセッサで、コア・トレースとシステム・トレースをサポートしています。ピン経由でコア・トレースを実行する場合、 (...)
TMDSEMU560V2STM-U — XDS560™ ソフトウェア v2 システム・トレース USB デバッグ・プローブ
XDS560v2 は、XDS560™ ファミリのデバッグ・プローブの中で最高の性能を達成し、従来の JTAG 規格 (IEEE1149.1) と cJTAG (IEEE1149.7) の両方をサポートしています。シリアル・ワイヤ・デバッグ (SWD) をサポートしていないことに注意してください。
すべての XDS デバッグ・プローブは、組み込みトレース・バッファ (ETB) を搭載しているすべての ARM プロセッサと DSP プロセッサで、コア・トレースとシステム・トレースをサポートしています。ピン経由でコア・トレースを実行する場合、XDS560v2 PRO TRACE が必要です。
TMDSEMU560V2STM-UE — Spectrum Digital XDS560v2 システム・トレース USB およびイーサネット
The XDS560v2 System Trace is the first model of the XDS560v2 family of high-performance debug probes (emulators) for TI processors. The XDS560v2 is the highest performance of the XDS family of debug probes and supports both the traditional JTAG standard (IEEE1149.1) and cJTAG (IEEE1149.7).
The (...)
LAUNCHXL2-RM46 — Hercules RM46x LaunchPad 評価キット
Hercules™ RM46x LaunchPad™ 開発キットは、Hercules マイコン・プラットフォームの評価と開発の迅速な開始に役立つ設計を採用した、低コストの評価プラットフォームです。この LaunchPad 開発キットは、IEC 61508 SIL 3 認証済みの RM46L852 をベースにしています。この製品は、ロックステップ動作の ARM® Cortex®-R4F をベースとするマイコンであり、安全性機能を搭載しているほか、2 個の 12 ビット ADC、複数のプログラマブル・ハイエンド・タイマ、各種モーター制御ペリフェラル (...)
TMDXRM46HDK — Hercules RM46x 開発キット
Hercules™ RM46x 開発キットは、IEC 61508 SIL 3 認証取得済みである RM46L852 をベースとしており、Hercules RM ファミリのマイコンである RM46 シリーズを使用した開発の開始に最適です。この開発ボードは、RJ45 10/100 イーサネット・インターフェイス、USB-A ホスト・インターフェイス、USB-B デバイス・インターフェイスに加え、オンボードの XDS100v2 JTAG エミュレータや、すべてのペリフェラル・ピンへのアクセス機能を搭載しています。このキットは、1 枚の開発ボード、1 本の Mini-B USB ケーブル、1 (...)
F021FLASHAPI — F021 フラッシュ API
These functions must be used when creating Flash bootloaders or other programming utilities for F021 Flash based microcontrollers.
SAFETI_DIAG_LIB — Hercules SafeTI Diagnostic Library (v2.4.0)
The Hercules SafeTI™ Diagnostic Library is a collection of software functions and response handlers for various safety features of the Hercules Safety MCUs. The Hercules SafeTI Diagnostic Library runs in the context of the caller's protection environment and all responses are handled in the (...)
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
IDE (統合開発環境)、コンパイラ、またはデバッガ
CCSTUDIO — Code Composer Studio 統合開発環境(IDE)
Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for TI's microcontrollers and processors. It is comprised of a rich suite of tools used to build, debug, analyze and optimize embedded applications. Code Composer Studio is available across Windows®, Linux® and macOS® platforms.
parametric-filter デジタル信号プロセッサ (DSP) -
parametric-filter Arm ベースのプロセッサ -
parametric-filter MSP430 マイコン -
parametric-filter C2000 リアルタイム・マイコン -
parametric-filter Arm ベースのマイコン -
parametric-filter シグナル・コンディショナ -
parametric-filter ミリ波レーダー・センサ -
parametric-filter Wi-Fi 製品 -
parametric-filter Sub-1GHz 製品 -
parametric-filter デジタル電源絶縁型コントローラ
HALCOGEN — HAL Code Generator Tool - TMS570 (v4.07.01)
HALCoGen allows users to generate hardware abstraction layer device drivers for Hercules™ microcontrollers. HALCoGen provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to configure peripherals, interrupts, clocks, and other Hercules microcontroller parameters. Once the Hercules device (...)
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
IDE (統合開発環境)、コンパイラ、またはデバッガ
HET_IDE — ハイ・エンド・タイマ(HET)
SAFETI-HALCOGEN-CSP — SafeTI HALCoGen 対応ソフトウェア・サポート・パッケージ
The below items are (...)
SAFETI-HERCULES-DIAG-LIB-CSP — SafeTI Hercules 診断ライブラリ対応ソフトウェア・サポート・パッケージ
SAFETI_CQKIT — 安全性コンパイラ認証キット
- TIのお客様は無料でご利用いただけます
- ユーザーが認定テストを実行する必要はございません
- コンパイラのカバレッジ解析をサポート*
- * カバレッジ データ収集に関する説明は、各 QKIT ダウンロード ページからダウンロードできます。
- Validasのコンサルティングは含まれていません
UNIFLASH — ほとんどの TI 製マイコン(MCU)とミリ波センサに対応する UniFlash
UniFlash is a software tool for programming on-chip flash on TI microcontrollers and wireless connectivity devices and on-board flash for TI processors. UniFlash provides both graphical and command-line interfaces.
UniFlash can be run from the cloud on the TI Developer Zone or downloaded and used (...)
C2000 リアルタイム・マイコン
Arm ベースのプロセッサ
MSP430 マイコン
Wi-Fi 製品
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
Arm Cortex-M0+ マイコン
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
HERCULES_SAFETY_MCU_DEMOS — Hercules Software Kit (v4.0.0)
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
NHET-ASSEMBLER — TMS570 NHET Assembler Software (v2.0.1)
TI's Enhanced High-End Timer (NHET) module provides sophisticated timing functions for real-time control applications.
The NHET Assembler translates programs written in the NHET assembly language into multiple output formats for use in code-generation tools such as TI's Code Composer Studio.
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
IDE (統合開発環境)、コンパイラ、またはデバッガ
NOWECC — TMS570 nowECC v2.22.00
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
Arm Cortex-R マイコン
FMZPLL_CALCULATOR — FMzPLL コンフィギュレーション・ツール
- OSCIN speed
- multiplier setting
- divider settings
- frequency modulation settings
- PLL/OSC fail options
パッケージ | ピン数 | CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル |
LQFP (PGE) | 144 | Ultra Librarian |
LQFP (PZ) | 100 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点
推奨製品には、この TI 製品に関連するパラメータ、評価基板、またはリファレンス デザインが存在する可能性があります。