MSPM0-SDK — MSPM0 Software Development Kit (SDK)
The MSPM0 SDK provides the ultimate collection of software, tools and documentation to accelerate the development of applications for the MSPM0 MCU platform under a single software package.
两个 SPI,一个 SPI 支持高达 32Mbit/s
MSPM0G350x 微控制器 (MCU) 属于 MSP 高度集成的超低功耗 32 位 MCU 系列,该 MCU 系列基于增强型 Arm Cortex-M0+ 32 位内核平台,工作频率最高可达 80MHz。这些低成本 MCU 提供高性能模拟外设集成,支持 -40°C 至 125°C 的工作温度范围,并在 1.62 V 至 3.6 V 的电源电压下运行。
MSPM0G350x 器件提供具有内置纠错码 (ECC) 且高达 128KB 的嵌入式闪存程序存储器以及具有 ECC 和硬件奇偶校验选项且高达 32KB 的 SRAM。这些 MCU 还包含一个存储器保护单元、7 通道 DMA、数学加速器和各种高性能模拟外设,例如两个 12 位 4MSPS ADC、一个可配置内部共享电压基准、一个 12 位 1Msps DAC、三个具有内置基准 DAC 的高速比较器、两个具有可编程增益的零漂移零交叉运算放大器和一个通用放大器。这些器件还提供智能数字外设,例如两个 16 位高级控制计时器、五个通用计时器(具有一个用于 QEI 接口的 16 位通用计时器、两个用于待机模式的 16 位通用计时器和一个 32 位通用计时器)、两个窗口式看门狗计时器以及一个具有警报和日历模式的 RTC。这些器件提供数据完整性和加密外设(AES、CRC、TRNG)以及增强型通信接口(四个 UART、两个 I2C、两个 SPI 以及 CAN 2.0/FD)。
TI MSPM0 系列低功耗 MCU 包含具有不同模拟和数字集成度的器件,可让客户找到满足其工程需求的 MCU。MSPM0 MCU 平台将 Arm Cortex-M0+ 平台与超低功耗整体系统架构相结合,使系统设计人员能够在降低能耗的同时提高性能。
MSPM0G350x MCU 由广泛的硬件和软件生态系统提供支持,随附参考设计和代码示例,便于您快速开始设计。开发套件包括可供购买的 LaunchPad。TI 还提供免费的 MSP 软件开发套件 (SDK),该套件在 TI Resource Explorer 中作为 Code Composer Studio™ IDE 桌面版和云版组件提供。MSPM0 MCU 还通过 MSP Academy 提供广泛的在线配套资料、培训,并通过 TI E2E™ 支持论坛提供在线支持。
有关完整的模块说明,请参阅 MSPM0 G 系列 80MHz 微控制器技术参考手册。
DLP® LightCrafter™ Display 0.16nHD 评估模块 (EVM) 旨在支持微控制器 (MCU) 生成的图形显示,无需视频处理器。这为电器、人机界面、机器人和玩具等工业和个人电子产品应用中实现经济实惠的 DLP 自由形状按需显示开辟了新的可能性。此 EVM 采用 DLP160CP 芯片组,包括 DLPC3421、0.16nHD (360x640) 光学引擎和 MSPM0G3507 MCU,可提供开箱即用的图像生成功能。对于使用微处理器驱动 (MPU) 的 EVM 显示应用(不包括 MPU),请访问 DLPDLCR2000EVM。
LP-MSPM0G3507 LaunchPad™ 开发套件是基于 MSPM0G3507 的易用型评估模块 (EVM),包含在 MSPM0G3507 M0+ MCU 平台上开始开发所需要的全部资源,包括用于编程、调试和能量测量的板载调试探针。该板包含三个按钮、两个 LED(其中一个是 RGB LED)以及模拟温度传感器和光传感器,还具有一个外部缓冲器,用于显示 4MSPS 时的高速 ADC 性能。
铂唯科技(江苏)有限公司 BA620XX 按摩椅控制板使用 MSPM0G1106 器件作为核心 MCU,控制 DRV8251 和其他电机驱动单元,并为 2D 和 3D 按摩椅提供核心电子控制系统。
BA62038 通过串行通信支持 5 向电机、空气泵、加热单元控制、10 向空气阀控制和多通道控制板。
BA62042 通过串行通信支持 8 向电机、空气泵、加热单元控制、8 向空气阀控制和多通道控制板。
深圳简从科技 GCM00M02 是一款无刷直流 (BLDC) 电机控制器参考设计,可实现高达 60W 的连续运行。此设计采用微控制器 MSPM0G3507 TI Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU 和具有集成电流检测功能的 DRV8316 三相电机驱动器集成电路 (IC)。无刷直流 (BLDC) 电机控制器使用 PID 控制算法实现对直流电机的中等精度控制,包括扭矩、速度和角度控制。控制器可通过上位机的控制参数进行设置,上位机无需编写复杂的算法,只需简单地设置参数即可完成直流电机控制。
德州仪器 (TI) 的 XDS110 是一款适用于 TI 嵌入式处理器的新型调试探针(仿真器)。XDS110 取代了 XDS100 系列,同时在单个仓体中支持更广泛的标准(IEEE1149.1、IEEE1149.7、SWD)。此外,所有 XDS 调试探针在所有具有嵌入式跟踪缓冲器 (ETB) 的 Arm® 和 DSP 处理器中均支持内核和系统跟踪。对于引脚上的内核跟踪,则需要使用 XDS560v2 PRO TRACE。
德州仪器 (TI) 的 XDS110 通过 TI 20 引脚连接器(带有适用于 TI 14 引脚、Arm 10 引脚和 Arm 20 引脚的多个适配器)连接到目标板,并通过 (...)
The MSPM0 SDK provides the ultimate collection of software, tools and documentation to accelerate the development of applications for the MSPM0 MCU platform under a single software package.
The MSPM0 diagnostic library software development kit (SDK) is a collection of functional safety software to assist customers to meet their functional safety diagnostic requirements.
多个 TI 器件系列支持 Simma Software 的闪存引导加载程序,包括 C2000™ 微处理器 (MCU)、MSP432™ MCU、Sitara™ MCU 和 MSPM0。
多个 TI 器件系列支持 Simma Software 的闪存引导加载程序,包括 C2000™ 微处理器 (MCU)、MSP432™ MCU、Sitara™ MCU 和 MSPM0 MCU。
多个 TI 器件系列支持 Simma Software 的闪存引导加载程序,包括 C2000™ 微处理器 (MCU)、MSP432™ MCU、Sitara™ MCU 和 MSPM0 MCU。
多个 TI 器件系列支持 Simma Software 的闪存引导加载程序,包括 C2000™ 微处理器 (MCU)、MSP432™ MCU、Sitara™ MCU 和 MSPM0 MCU
The MSPM0 analog configurator is a graphical configuration tool designed to simplify and accelerate the design and enablement of an analog signal chain using a MSPM0 device with no traditional coding development necessary.
The tool uses an intuitive GUI to configure a signal chain using the high (...)
MSP Motor Control is a collection of software, tools and examples to spin motors in 30 minutes or less with MSPM0 Arm® Cortex® M0+ MCUs and popular motor driver solutions.
MSP Motor Control provides examples for supported hardware kits to spin brushed, stepper, and three-phase motors with sensored (...)
Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for TI's microcontrollers and processors. It is comprised of a rich suite of tools used to build, debug, analyze and optimize embedded applications. Code Composer Studio is available across Windows®, Linux® and macOS® platforms.
MSP Zero Code Studio is a visual design environment that enables users to configure, develop and run microcontroller applications in minutes. Zero coding and no IDE required.
SysConfig is a configuration tool designed to simplify hardware and software configuration challenges to accelerate software development.
SysConfig is available as part of the Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment as well as a standalone application. Additionally SysConfig (...)
UniFlash is a software tool for programming on-chip flash on TI microcontrollers and wireless connectivity devices and on-board flash for TI processors. UniFlash provides both graphical and command-line interfaces.
UniFlash can be run from the cloud on the TI Developer Zone or downloaded and used (...)
该工具分为两大类 - 应用及闪存编程解决方案和服务。
封装 | 引脚 | CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型 |
LQFP (PM) | 64 | Ultra Librarian |
LQFP (PT) | 48 | Ultra Librarian |
VQFN (RGZ) | 48 | Ultra Librarian |
VQFN (RHB) | 32 | Ultra Librarian |
VSSOP (DGS) | 28 | Ultra Librarian |
推荐产品可能包含与 TI 此产品相关的参数、评估模块或参考设计。
Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Sensorless FOC firmware for MSPM0Gx5xx + Motor Driver solutions
Hall Sensor Based FOC firmware for MSPM0Gx5xx + Motor Driver solutions
BLDC sensored trap firmware for MSPM0G + DRV83xx motor drivers
BLDC sensored trap firmware for MSPM0L + DRV83xx motor drivers
Stepper motor firmware for MSPM0L + DRV8xxx motor drivers
Brushed-DC firmware for MSPM0L + DRV8xxx motor drivers
MSPM0 Motor Control Application Note
Application Tuning Guide to spin BLDC motors with Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Getting started and Hardware Setup user guides for Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Tuning Guide for MSPM0 based Sensorless FOC
MSPM0 BLDC Sensorless FOC Documentation
Application Tuning Guide for MSPM0 Based Hall Sensor FOC
Getting started and Hardware Setup user guides for Sensored FOC Motor Control Library
MSPM0 BLDC Sensored Trap Control Documentation
MSPM0 Stepper Motor Control Documentation
MSPM0 Brushed Motor Control Documentation
MSP Motor Control is a collection of software, tools, and examples to spin motors in 30 minutes or less with MSPM0 Arm Cortex M0+ MCUs and popular motor driver solutions.
MSP Motor Control provides examples for supported hardware kits to spin brushed, stepper, and 3-phase motors with sensored and sensorless control algorithms optimized for performance, integration, and ease-of-use. Spin your motor today by ordering hardware, connecting a motor, and using our Graphical User Interfaces or online code examples.
MSP Motor Control includes:
MSP-GANG Installer
MSP-GANG Manifest
The MSP Gang Programmer is a MSPM0/MSP430/MSP432 device programmer that can program up to eight identical flash or FRAM devices at the same time. The MSP Gang Programmer connects to a host PC using a standard RS-232 or USB connection and provides flexible programming options that allow the user to fully customize the process.
The MSP Gang Programmer is provided with an expansion board, called the Gang Splitter, that implements the interconnections between the MSP Gang Programmer and multiple target devices. Eight cables are provided that connect the expansion board to eight target devices (via JTAG or Spy-Bi-Wire connectors). The programming can be done with a PC or as a standalone device. A PC-side Graphical User Interface is also available and is DLL-based.
The Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE) for the LP-MSPM0G3507 allows interaction with the MSPM0G3507 LaunchPad development kit running its out-of-box demo software.
The LaunchPad implements examples for a blinking LED, light sensor, thermistor, and function generator.
MSPM0 SDK for Windows
MSPM0 SDK for Linux
MSPM0 SDK for macOS
MSPM0 SDK Documentation Overview
MSPM0 SDK Release Notes
MSPM0 SDK Manifest
The MSPM0 SDK delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments MSPM0 microcontroller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and more than 150 examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.
The MSPM0 SDK includes support for FreeRTOS and a wide variety of middleware and drivers, including:
The MSPM0 MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software and tool options for customers developing applications. A one-time investment with the MSPM0 software development kit (SDK) allows you create portable and modular code, opening the door to create unlimited applications.
MSP Zero Code Studio for Windows
MSP Zero Code Studio Release Notes
MSP Zero Code Studio Quick Start Guide
MSP Zero Code Studio User's Guide
MSP Zero Code Studio Manifest
MSP Zero Code Studio is a visual design environment that enables users to configure, develop and run microcontroller applications in minutes! Zero coding and no IDE required.
UniFlash is a standalone tool used to program on-chip and external flash memory on TI MCUs and on-board flash memory for Sitara processors. UniFlash has a GUI, command line, and scripting interface. UniFlash is available free of charge.
MSPM0 hands on training academies. 18 in english and 16 translated to chinese.
MSPM0 Analog Configurator in TI Gallery
The MSPM0 Analog Configurator is a graphical configuration tool designed to simplify and accelerate the design and enablement of an analog signal chain using a MSPM0 device with no traditional coding development necessary.
The tool uses an intuitive GUI to configure a signal chain using the high analog integration of MSPM0 devices, analyze and plot signals in real-time, and generate the configuration and code necessary to flash the device.
The current release supports MSPM0L production samples and MSPM0G early experimental samples. See this FAQ for more information about silicon differences.
Analog Configurator supports the following features:
The SysConfig tool is used configure TI software and hardware. For software configuration, SysConfig is used in conjunction with a TI SDK. For PinMux configuration, the tool may be used standalone.
The Code Composer Studio™ IDE is a complete integrated suite that enables developers to create and debug applications of all Texas Instruments Embedded Processors (Sitara, DSP, Automotive, Keystone), Microcontrollers (SimpleLink™, C2000 Digital Control, MSP430, TM4C, Hercules), as well as Digital Power (UCD) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) devices.
CCS v20 is TI’s next generation Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on Theia IDE framework. CCS v20.0.2 uses a modified version of the Theia-IDE framework and offers a user experience similar to Visual Studio Code™.